Early Bird and Add-Ons for Lunch and Afternoon
Mount Cross CDC has the following morning, lunch, and afternoon extended stay options.
Sign-up is in the office.
Sign-up is welcome as far in advance as you like but no later than the morning of school, to ensure proper staffing ratio.
Early Bird (7:30 am – 8:30 am): FREE
Early Bird care is available between 7:30 am – 8:30 am and is Free for existing students as it is already included in tuition.
This extended care option is helpful to busy families who may need to begin earlier than the standard 8:30 am program, due to a work schedule or the need to take other children to different schools.
Children begin their day on our beautiful playground, playing and enjoying the morning views of the mountains, ocean, and airport from our beloved preschool on the hill.

Lunch Bunch (12:30 pm – 1:30 pm): $15 day
Lunch is not provided. Please send your child to school with a lunch. Signup is in the office.
To ensure proper staffing ratio, we ask that you no later than the morning of school. Sign up is welcome as far in advance as you like. A discounted price is offered to regulars, to be included in monthly tuition.
Lunch Bunch children and their belongings are gathered from their classrooms by a teacher, and walked to the lunch room. There they set down their things, line up for a washroom break and head back to the room for prayer. Teachers sit to enjoy lunch and social time with the children. After lunch, the group heads out to the playground for free play or games. It ends back inside the lunch room with a small circle time activity on the rug. As you arrive, you will find children sitting, ending their day listening to a story or two.

Extended Care (12:30 pm – 3:30 pm): Inquire in Office
Extended Care is after your child’s normal program schedule. It is an add-on that is available on a per-day basis.
Signup is in the office. Please send your child to school with a lunch.
To ensure proper staffing ratio, we ask that you notify the director no later than the morning of school. Sign up is welcome as far in advance as you like. A discounted price is offered to regulars, to be included in monthly tuition.

Extended Care (12:30 pm – 5:00 pm): Inquire in Office
This Extended Care option is new, after your child’s normal program schedule ending at 5pm. It is an add-on that is available on a per-day basis.