Mount Cross Child Development Center COVID-19 Prevention and Response Protocol
Please note: This document is a fluid document that will change throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic as the situation fluctuates and/or guidance is revised. We are using best practices from the CDC, CDPH, and California state licensing.
Our goal in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic is to do our best to maintain a safe and healthy environment.
Distancing Protocols
Physical distancing will assist in mitigating the spread of the virus. Mount Cross Child Development Center will adhere to the following procedures to maintain distancing, when feasible:
- 6 feet distance between two students
- Staff will be asked to practice six foot physical distancing from each other and students
- Routes will be designated for entry and exit to school, as practicable.
- Classes will limit sharing of supplies between students to the extent possible.
- Classes may not mix with another on playground, in bathrooms, at music or circle, during chapel, Early Birds, Lunch Bunch, and/or Wacky Wednesday OR at any time.
- Staff and all people over 5 will wear a face-covering, when indoors.
- Students between age 2 and 5 should wear face coverings, when indoors. This is strongly encouraged by CDC and CDPH. Wearing a mask is a skill, just like holding a pencil properly or tying your shoelaces – so it is something we will be working on.
*CDC recommends all people 2 years of age and older wear a mask in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. Younger children (e.g., preschool or early elementary aged) may be unable to wear a mask properly, particularly for an extended period of time. Wearing of masks may be prioritized at times when it is difficult to maintain a distance of 6 feet from others (e.g., during carpool drop off or pick up, or when standing in line at school). Ensuring proper mask size and fit and providing children with frequent reminders and education on the importance and proper wear of masks may help address these issues.
In addition, staff will do the following:
- Rearrange furniture and play spaces to maintain 6 feet of separation, when possible
- Offer more opportunities for individual play
- Plan activities that do not require close physical contact between multiple children
- Adjust schedules to eliminate overlap of different pods of children.
- Reduce time spent indoors.
Screening for Symptoms
Staff will take self-screen before coming to work, taking their temperature (must be lower than 100.4°), attesting to not having any new symptoms, and be willing to be given additional screening. In addition, they must confirm that no one in their home has had COVID-19 symptoms or a positive test in the 24 hours prior to working.
Students will be screened before entering the school facility, by taking their temperature with a no-touch thermometer. Children with a fever of 100.4° or higher, a cough, runny nose, or any other symptoms of illness must be excluded, and should return home and isolate. Staff will ask all individuals about COVID-19 symptoms within the last 24 hours and whether anyone in their home has had COVID-19 symptoms or a positive test. Mount Cross Child Development Center will exclude anyone who has an affirmative response on any of these points. Students who pass screening will have hands sanitized before entering classroom.
Active screening will take place for any students or staff member who acknowledges or exhibits symptoms during the course of the school day. If symptoms occur during the school day. Staff are encouraged to leave the campus and return home, and to isolate and follow guidelines for returning to school. Students will be isolated until parents or guardian can be reached to safely transport them home or to a healthcare facility, as appropriate. Siblings of the student will also be sent home. The household should isolate and follow guidelines for returning to school.
COVID-19 Symptoms
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Chills
- Repeated shaking with chills
- Fatigue
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- Sore Throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- New loss of taste or smell
Return to School by Students/Staff Member with COVID-19 Symptom
Students/Staff are encouraged to get tested, if they were excluded from the school.
There should be a daily follow-up by a staff member to determine status of student/staff member including if they followed up with medical professional and what the result was.
1.) If Student/Staff tests positive for COVID-19:
Immediately notify the school of any positive test.
Students/Staff who have symptoms and were directed to care for themselves at home may discontinue isolation under the following conditions:
- At least 24 hours have passed since recovery defined as resolution of fever without use of fever reducing medications AND
- improvement in any respiratory symptoms, AND
- at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared
2.) If Student/Staff have symptoms that are not confirmed, they may return under the following conditions:
- At least 24 hours have passed since recovery defined as resolution of fever without use of fever reducing medications AND
- improvement in any respiratory symptoms, AND
- at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared
3.) If Student/Staff test negative for COVID-19 or is diagnosed with another illness they should stay home until three days (72 hours) after symptoms resolve. They will need to provide the negative test result or alternative diagnosis in writing from the primary physician.
If a Student/Staff reports a positive COVID-19 test, determination for who else will self-quarantine is based on the type of contact that was had at school between the student/staff member and other student/staff members. The school will coordinate with VCPH to determine who should be considered as a close contact. A close contact is someone who was within 6 feet of an individual for a sustained period of time (15 minutes) in the 48 hours prior to onset of symptoms or if no symptoms, 48 hours prior to having the test administered.
Students/Staff who are identified as a close contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case will be assessed for symptoms and then told they have been exposed to someone testing positive for COVID-19. They should be sent home and quarantined for 14 days from last exposure that the confirmed case was present at school while infectious. Testing will be recommended. A negative test will not shorten the quarantine.
Staff who are sent home to self-isolate after exposure to a confirmed COVID-19 case will be paid for the scheduled days of work they miss during their 14 day self-isolation.
Staff who self-isolate due to exposure to a confirmed COVID-19 case that takes place away from the work place will be paid for the scheduled days of work they miss during their 14 day self-isolation.
If a substitute teacher is available, they will be hired to cover for the staff member who is self-isolating.
In addition, the staff will maintain a daily attendance log of all staff and visitors and make it available to church staff when requested. Any suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases resulting in self-isolation must be reported that day to the church office.
Cleaning & Sanitation Guidelines
Students who pass screening will have hands sanitized before entering facilities.
Fresh air will be introduced as much as possible, by opening windows and doors.
High-touch surfaces in the classroom will be cleaned and disinfected frequently. (Tables, door handles, chairs, etc…..)
Toys and manipulatives will be cleaned and sanitized after use. We will use a labeling system determined by the staff to divide clean and unclean toys and manipulatives. We will ensure toys that are difficult to clean are either removed from the classroom or carefully monitored for individual use only.
Playground: When entering playground, children will have their hands sanitized. When a class pod is finished on the playground, high-touch surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected. (Slide handles, bike handles, climbing bars, water dispenser, etc.) Disinfecting spray and clean towels will be provided, with bins for clean and dirty towels.
Bathrooms: High-touch surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected when a class pod has completed use in the bathroom. (Toilet handles, seats, doors, faucet knobs, etc…) Disinfecting spray and clean towels will be provided, with bins for clean and dirty towels. Staff will also clean and disinfect touched surfaces when they use the bathroom facilities.
Handwashing Hygiene
Handwashing guidelines:
Wash hands for at least 20 seconds with soap, rubbing thoroughly after application, and use paper towels to dry hands thoroughly.
When handwashing is not possible, use hand sanitizer.
Model and practice handwashing:
- Before and after eating,
- Before and after handling food for other’s consumption
- After coughing or sneezing,
- After playing outside
- After using the restroom, or helping a child.
We teach children to avoid contact with one’s eyes, nose and mouth and to use a tissue to wipe their nose and to cough/sneeze inside their elbow.
Visitor Policy
Only one visitor at a time can be at the school.
Please do not visit if you are ill, or someone in your household is ill. We will happily reschedule!
Visitors must:
- Enter through director’s office and abide by this policy.
- Wear a face covering over nose and mouth.
- Have their temperature taken with a no-touch thermometer in the director’s office.
- Use hand sanitizer before entering school. Hand sanitizer is available in the director’s office.
- Practice social distancing except with their own student.
In Addition
Staff will be provided both of these documents: Mount Cross Child Development Center Safe Re-Opening of School Plan For Parents AND Mount Cross Child Development Center Safe Re-Opening of School and COVID-19 Prevention and Response Protocol before the start of school and must sign the acknowledgement form.
Parents will be provided the Mount Cross Child Development Center Safe Re-Opening of School Plan For Parents document before the start of school and must sign the acknowledgement form.
Please contact us with any questions.